- Faculties
- IOSUD/CSUD – PhD studies
- Interdisciplinary Doctoral school
Organization and progress of the university doctoral studies in the Doctoral Schools of the University of Pitești, which is accredited as Organizer Institution of University Doctoral Studies by the approving of CNATDCU in 22.07.1997 – address of the Ministry of Instruction number SS/MT/3 and Order of the Minister of National Education number 3012/.05.01.1999.
The doctoral schools within UPIT are confirmed to be parts of IOSUD - UPIT, by OMENCS number 5382/2016 from 29.09.2016 concerning the functioning of the doctoral schools in the academic year 2016-2017. During the academic year 2020-2021 one performed the reorganization of the doctoral schools within UPIT, by the Decision of the Senate of UPIT, 32/29.03.2021 .
The Interdisciplinary Doctoral School is organized and carries on its activities based on the Regulation of organization and operation of the university doctoral studies within the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School within IOSUD University of Piteşti.
The leadership being formed by the Director of SDI and the Council of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School (CSDI). Within the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, the PhD directors of theses and the PhD students acts in the following doctoral domains: Materials Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications and Informational Technologies, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Informatics, and Biology, these being 7 out of the 10 doctoral domains within UPIT.
Carrying out the activities within the doctoral study programs is done in compliance with the provisions: Regulation on the professional activities of doctoral studies and of the Methodology for taking exams, research projects and reports for doctoral studies at the University of Pitesti.
The curriculum of the doctoral study program includes the training based on advanced university studies and the individual scientific research program.The disciplines provided in the curriculum provide the doctoral student with the basic training necessary for the preparation of the research project, research reports and doctoral thesis. Each subject in the curriculum has a course syllabus.
The doctoral university studies end with the elaboration and public defense of the doctoral thesis, which, for the scientific doctorate, must be the result of the doctoral student’s own research activity and contain original results in the field of scientific knowledge (Art. 72 (2 ) of the Regulation on the organization and development of doctoral studies within IOSUD University of Piteşti.
In order to consider institutional standardization, the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School has developed rules for the elaboration and drawing up of the doctoral thesis.
The completion of doctoral studies and the public defense of the thesis are regulated by the Methodology for completing doctoral studies and defending the doctoral thesis at the University of Pitesti.
The scientific profile and thematic areas / research topics of the doctoral supervisors in the fields:
Electronic engineering, telecommunications and information technology
Director Prof.PhD.eng..Nicolae Doru STĂNESCU,
- Prof. PhD. eng. habil. Eduard-Laurențiu NIȚU,
- Prof.PhD.chem..habil. Adriana-Gabriela SCHIOPU
- PhD student Claudiu MALEA
At the level of IOSUD - SDI is constituted the Commission for the Evaluation and Assurance of Quality – CEAC –SDI Hotararea Senatului UPit cu privire la Comisia EAC_SDI), which carries out its activity based on the annual Plan of activities concerning the assurance and evaluation of quality and the Plan of internal audit of the quality alt the level of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School ( advised by the director of the doctoral school.
President: Prof.PhD.chem. Adriana-Gabriela SCHIOPU
- Prof. PhD.eng. Gheorghe GAVRILOAIA
- Prof.PhD..habil. Loredana BĂLILESCU
- Eng. Niculae BOICEA
- PhD eng. Ștefana BĂJENARU
Admission to doctoral study programs is based on selection criteria that include: the academic, research and professional performance of the candidates, their interest in scientific or artistic / sports research, publications in the field and a research topic proposal. Admission to doctoral university studies is based on the Admission Regulations at the University of Pitești .
1. Interruption request
2. Additional interruption act
3. Request for extension
4. Contract university doctoral studies 2020-2021
5. Annexes to the contract of university doctoral studies
6. Postponement request (according to Law 49/2013)
7. Transfer request
8. Request pardon
9. Request for obvious maintenance in the doctoral school
10. Internship resumption request
11. Withdrawal request from PhD studies
12. Application for expulsion
13. Doctoral supervisor change request
14. PhD thesis title change request
15. Doctoral thesis support forms
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