Digital Learning Materials for Sustainable Textile Education (Vir2TEX) Project is co-funded by European Commission and Turkish National Agency (TNA) within the Erasmus+ programme in the amount of EUR 124.385
Project implemented by:
Leader: Ege University, Turkey
Partners: YaşarUniversirty, Turkey
Eduexpert sp. zo.o., Poland Eduexpert sp. zo.o., Poland
Alanya HEP University – Turkey
Universitatea Din Pitesti – Romania
ETN School. – Italy
The Vir2TEX project partnership will develop new learning materials created by digital technologies for delivering high-quality education. The aim of the project is integrating technology into courses to engage students in immersive learning experiences whether teaching in class or remotely.
This project explores the potential of virtual reality (VR) for deepening understanding and enhancing learner engagement by eliminating the screen and placing learners in the middle of real situations through utilizing VR 360 video. New learning materials enhanced for distance education about textile production will be developed for textile production steps from fiber to clothing. The modules will be helpful for both vocational students and the new employers in the textile sector in order to decrease the orientation time of the new employers by combining immersive technologies and inspiring pedagogic content for the best learning results. It will also include the possible problems during production and offer various possibilities to be used in distance learning.
Project Targets
- Development of curricula, syllabus and framework of instruction, policy recommendations via survey or observation
- The preparation of framework of the curricula and creating the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
- Development of the tools to ensure innovative storytelling and interactivity methods for students in the textile education area
- Development of the pilot testing of content and platforms
- Training applications of SPOC (Small Private Online Courses/Content)
- Training applications of MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
- Development of the e-learning contents, multimedia, open educational resources, and guidelines
- Dissemination activities through the organization of three multiplier events for communicating the project’s results
Project İmpact
Vir2TEX will have an immediate impact during the implementation stage on the students and the lecturers of partner organizations, and a lasting effect on various stakeholder groups. The impacts of Vir2TEX are;
Vir2TEX will improve the learning and skill of students by putting them in the middle of real situations in an interactive learning platform, and also enable lecturers to transfer their knowledge to students via an innovative approach.
Vir2TEX will help participating organizations in widening their organization network they collaborate with. Close ties formed during the development and implementation of Vir2TEX will be a crucial opportunity for future collaborations in the same field.
On target groups;
Textile vocational students engaged through dissemination activities and online channels will improve their awareness, knowledge and skills through the created innovative VLE. Professional progress of the students of the field will be supported and a higher level of education quality will be achieved via a developed interactive platform.
Lecturers of the field will benefit from the developed innovative learning materials while transferring their knowledge to their students. Providing high-quality education while teaching a subject online which requires practice is difficult and challenging. This innovative approach will help teachers to receive the best learning results in vocational training.
Private firms and new employees; The developed innovative learning platform will enhance the learning and awareness of new employees, therefore, shorten the orientation time.
Local coordinator |
Lecturer Ph D Adina Dumitru |
Students will learn lessons with VR technology