- Faculties
- Facultatea de Științe ale Educatiei, Științe Sociale şi Psihologie
- Departamentul Psihologie și Științe ale Comunicării si Asistență socială
- Programe de licență DPSCAS
- Jurnalism
Field of Communication Sciences
Study Program - Journalism
ACCREDITED – Daily study - 3 years
Possible occupations according to the Classification of Occupations in Romania (COR): Journalist/Commentator - 245102; Proofreader - 245103; Special Correspondent (across the country and abroad) - 245104; Editorialist - 245108; Photo-Journalist - 245109; Media Lecturer / Publishing House - 245110; Editorial Commentator - 245112; Reporter - 245114; Assistant Reporter - 245115; Broadcast Production Secretary - 245117; Editorial Secretary - 245118; Press Agency Reporter - 245119; Computer Operator - 245121; Radio and TV Commentator - 245126; Columnist - 245128; Radio and TV Broadcast Producer - 245512; Radio and TV News-Broadcasting Producer - 245521; Radio and TV News-Editor - 245522;
New occupations to be included in COR: Public Information Specialist, Media Monitoring Specialist; Media Consultant, Communications and Public Relations Specialist, Editor, Photo-Editor, Cameraman, Producer, Picture Editor (TV), Host of Radio and TV Talk-Shows, Anchor, Online Editor, TV Correspondent.
Educational plans
Educational Plan - University Term 2018-2021
Educational Plan - University Term 2017-2020
Year I
Year II
Year III
Completion of the Journalism Studies
Guide to drafting Bachelor / Dissertation papers in Journalism programs
Year I
- History of the Press
- Methods and methodologies of research in Communication Sciences
- Media Stylistics
- Foundations of the Mass-Media system
- Press Genres
- Introduction to Social Sciences
- Written Press Journalism
- Editing techniques
Year II
- Radio Production
- Introduction to Communication Sciences
- History of Culture and Civilization
- Sectoral Public Relations
- Information gathering techniques
- Written Press Journalism
- Investigative Journalism techniques
Year III
- Developing an advertising product
- Ethics and deontology
- Online journalism
- Advertising
- Specialized Mass Media techniques
- Media planning
- TV Production
- Specialized TV working techniques
License area Communication Sciences, specialization Journalism, at the University of Pitești was founded by G.D (H.G.) 1215 / 12.07.2000. Journalism Graduates have shown that they are well integrated into the labor market due to the close links between the Faculty and the local media, as well as with the cultural and arts institutions in Argeş and Romania.
The Curriculum is structured over a three-year study, according to the Bologna Process, and follows the requirements of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS).
Among the basic courses taught in this section are: Journalistic writing techniques, Radio Broadcast Production, Television Production, Press genres, Drafting techniques, Communication techniques, Online Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, Photojournalism, Newspaper Layout, Management of Press Institutions/Advertising/PR/, Conversational Strategies in English / French.
The Journalism Department is equipped with Multimedia Laboratories (Internet, Radio, TV) and a Photo Lab. Laboratories are equipped with Tape Recorders, TV cameras, Photo cameras, computers, Mixer, Photography equipment, etc. There is also a Written Press Laboratory where the “Juventus” Magazine is designed and conceived by the students.
Every year, students of this specialization are involved in numerous promotional and press events: The Scientific Communication Session "Student Scientific Research in the Third Millennium"; Photo Exhibition Competition; meetings and debates of students with journalists from the local and central media; the „Newsweek” writing contest; internships in local media institutions; the seminar on Freedom of the Press Day (May 3rd), where students discuss with local journalists about current problems of the media people; press exhibition dedicated to the day of May 3rd; the monthly edition of the „Juventus” Magazine.
Journalism is the first specialization of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities that sent students to European university centers through the Erasmus-Socrates program, currently the Erasmus + program. Students who have benefited from these scholarships now work in major national and local centers.
Communication Sciences - Journalism is the first specialization in this area established in Pitești in 2000, being recognized nationally and internationally as an area of professional training at the highest standards.
Specialization Communication Science - Journalism is accredited by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) and offers the possibility of professional training for Mass-Media (radio, television, print media, Press Agency, Online Journalism) and for Public Relations and Advertising.
All the awarded diplomas are officially recognized; the majority of graduates integrate professionally in the national or local Romanian media outlets (Radio and TV stations, public and private, print and online publications, news agencies, etc.), advertising agencies, PR of Communication departments.
Educational offer is varied and modern. Our students can study disciplines such as: Journalistic Writing Techniques, Radio Production, Television Production, Press Genres, Drafting Techniques, Communication Techniques, Online Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, Photojournalism, Newspaper Layout, Management of the Press Institutions / Advertising / PR, Conversational Strategies in English / French, etc.
We focus on the individual activity of students in our laboratories, in workshops on Radio, TV, Internet, Photo, Multimedia. During the semesters and the summer, students can work voluntarily or part-time in the newsrooms of local publications in Argeş, radio or television, with the support and recommendation of our professors.
Faculty professors encourage entrepreneurship, personal development initiatives, communication and teamwork of the students, skills needed for future employees on a demand-driven labor market, with resources open only to those with real skills and competencies.
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