- Facultés
- Facultatea de Științe, Educație Fizicã şi Informaticã
- Departamente la nivelul Facultăţii de Știinţe, Educaţie Fizică şi Informatică
- Departamentul Matematica-Informatică
- Cercetare științifică
- Manifestări științifice
The 1th Workshop of the Scientific Research Center Computational Models and Programming Methodologies
WSRC-CMPM 2017, 16 - 17 December 2017
Department Mathematics & Informatics - University of Piteşti
- The first edition of the Workshop of the Scientific Research Center Computational Models and Programming Methodologies (WSRC-CMPM 2017) will be held in the period 16-17 december 2017.
- The workshop is organised by the Department Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, Phisical Education and Informatics of the University of Pitești.
- We will use this opportunity to honor the personality and the longstanding valuable career of the Professor Tudor Bălănescu with ocassion of the 70th birthday.
Scientific Committee
- ALBEANU Grigore, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest
- COCIANU Cătălina, University of Economics Studies, Bucharest
- DINU Liviu, University of Bucharest
- ENĂCHESCU Denis, University of Bucharest
- GEORGESCU Horia, University of Bucharest
- GHEORGHE Marian, University of Bradford
- IANCU Ion, University of Craiova
- IPATE Florentin, University of Bucharest
- NICOLESCU Radu, University of Auckland
- PĂUN Gheorghe, University of Bucharest
- PREDA Vasile, University of Bucharest
- ȘTEFĂNESCU Alin, University of Bucharest
- TOMESCU Ioan, University of Bucharest
- VAIDA Dragoș, University of Bucharest
- VĂDUVA Ion, University of Bucharest
- Workshop Series on Mathematics
- Tenth Workshop on Membrane Computing - WMC10
- PDEs and Stochastic Processes - The 5th Workshop Series on Mathematics, October 12-14, 2012, Pitesti, Romania
Biblioteca Digitală a Universității din Pitești Bibliografii în format digital – un nou serviciu online oferit utilizatorilor - Ghid de acces -
Anunț privind desfășurarea concursului de ocupare a funcțiilor de DECAN din cadrul facultăților UNST POLITEHNICA București pentru mandatul 2024 – 2029